“Look up,” Jesus said, “for I tell you the fields are white for the harvest.”
As a denomination, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) carries out its mission for this worldwide outreach through three ministry committees: the Committee on Christian Education, the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension, and the Committee on Foreign Missions. Each works to accomplish our purpose of bringing glory to God and proclaiming Christ throughout North America and the world, teaching them to obey what he has commanded.
Through the Committee on Christian Education, we help our churches to teach effectively the precious truths of the Reformed faith. We produce Sunday school materials, New Horizons magazine, training materials, a hymnal, and worship aids. Our Ministerial Intern Program helps churches prepare men for the gospel ministry through summer and yearlong pastoral internships. The Ministerial Training Institute of the OPC supplements seminary preparation with courses especially designed to prepare them for ministry.
Through the Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension, we plant new churches throughout North America. We assist presbyteries in supporting regional home missionaries to identify and develop new church-planting sites and help new congregations find pastors. We have special concern for the urban areas of our country. We conduct training seminars for church planters. We also help established churches reach their communities with the gospel, and provide an OPC Loan Fund that helps congregations in need of new buildings.
Through the Committee on Foreign Missions, we send missionaries to the ends of the earth to establish indigenous Reformed churches. Presently we have foreign mission works in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Suriname, and Uganda. Where appropriate, the preaching of the gospel is accompanied by medical (and other) ministries of mercy. A significant part of the work on our mission fields is dedicated to preparing the next generation of men for the gospel ministry.