We live an age where there is much confusion about what we are to believe about the Bible, God, and our ourselves. At Pleasant Mountain Church, we can simply summarize our beliefs under these four headings:
We are a Biblical Church
We believe that God inspired the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to reveal himself and his salvation. We believe that the Scriptures are authoritative in everything to which they speak and that they are the only infallible rule for what we believe and how we live. We seek to be a thoroughly Word-centered church.
We are a Reformed Church
We are committed to the biblical truths of the Reformation. We emphasize God’s glorious sovereignty in our salvation, in our worship, and in all of life. We rejoice in our covenant God who has revealed his grace and truth in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are a Confessional Church
We believe the teaching of Scripture is well summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism. We call them our doctrinal standards, but they always remain subordinate to God’s Word. While our members are not required to affirm them in their entirety, our officers subscribe to them and they guide our teaching.
We are a Presbyterian Church
We are governed by elders elected by the congregation. These men serve the church by overseeing our pastor, our worship, and our members. Along with our pastor, they make certain that we are growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. See Our Elders.